
21 Guns - Green Day and The Cast of American Idiot


What if I ...

I usually don't like Paris Hilton. I didn't like her reality show, I didn't like her music. I laughed when I saw her in House Of Wax and then I either don't like her « My New BFF » thing. However, she said something interesting one day :

« No matter what a woman looks like, if she’s confident, she’s sexy »

I must agree. I lacked of self-confidence so much long time ago, and I now understand that, even if I'm fat, even if I'm not a model, even if so much more thing, I could date with someone if I go on by myself. Then I tried to live by that quote everyday, and I must say it worked well.


When you want to , but know you shouldn't , close your eyes , forget everyone else , and do it anyway .


You're a trash.

Today was a strange day.

I first saw that my little grey cat has a brand new white spot on her neck. I choose her when she was baby because I thought she was cool – and cute – with her little white and round spot. Then it expands on the right side so its sucks because she isn’t cute – and cool – anymore.

Second I ate watermelon - nothing strange with that. So I cut it on the horizontal side and guess what I discovered ? A heart shaped form in the fruit ! My mom bought it for the Valentine day so I guess there is a link between LOL. Anyways, I thought it was strange and I wanted to take a picture of it, but I realised that I forgot my camera at my daddy’s house. So I went looking for it, and when I came back, my mom put the watermelon to the trash because, she said, it wasn’t pretty on the dinner table. UNNNNH. I thought it was a cool picture to put on blogspot because it wasn’t usual AND of course because it is Valentine day (valentine = love = heart = weirdo watermelon). Don’t you think so ?

Then unnnh, Philadelphia Flyers won its fourth consecutive game tonight. THAT’S REALLY STRANGE.
PS: I know the picture doesn't fit at all with the context, and do I care ?


HAPPY, chalalala ♪

I thought about something today. It was when I was in my mathematic class, listening to the same old shit I already understood two weeks ago. I'm always in a kind of oblivion when I listen to mathematics, so the only thing I can do is to think about... things and other things. Why not ? I cant do something better ; my agenda is already full of drawings, and the teacher freaks out if I speak to a friend. Anyway.

The thing is, I am happy being single. I don't feel obligated to rush into another relationship and put up with all its drama.

I said it. Congrat's, me.


Never take life seriously . Nobody gets out alive anyways .